Members of the
What the Medals Mean
Constitutions of the Order
Rurikovich Order
Zar Ivan IV
use same Constitutions
The Medals/Regalia
of the House and Order
have a meaning
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Royal and Imperial Nobility
HRIH Hans Maximus Cabrera Lochaber Rurikovich
Prince Grand Master & Protector
Order of
Maria Kuberav Rurikovich
HH Princess and Duchess
Teteiana Pavlenko Kuberav Rurikovich
HH Princess and Duchess
GC Ljubomir Mihajlovski
KGC of the House Rurikovich
Mark William Nelson
Baron of the House Rurikovich
William K. Mackie
Count of the House Rurikovich
Alfred Borg
HH Duke of the House Rurikovich
Clara Ludueña-von Oldenburg
Countess of the House Rurikovich
Charlotte Cabrera Lochaber Rurikovich
HRIH Grand Princess and Grand Duchess
Joseph Grange
Count of the House Rurikovich
Sir Gordon Borg
Baron of the House Rurikovich
Stefan Ferenczi
Count of the House Rurikovich
Sir GC Pietro Sicurelli
KGC of the House Rurikovich
Georgette Cardona Gilman
Countess of the House Rurikovich
Aleksei Kuberav Rurikovich
HH Prince and Duke
Giovanni Formaggio
Count of the House Rurikovich
Giuseppe Madia
HH Duke of the House Rurikovich
Lady Isabel Borg Cassar
Baroness of the House Rurikovich
Sir GC Iilja Zivitoc
KGC of the House Rurikovich
Sir Joseph Borg
Baron of the House Rurikovich
HE Andrew Mospak
Marque of the House Rurikovich
GC Tomori Mareglen
KGC of the House Rurikovich
Heather Elizabeth Mackie
Countess of the House Rurikovich
Ivan Ganchev
Sir GC Pietro Carattoli
KCG of the House Rurikovich
Silvia Molina Gaya
Countess of the House Rurikovich
Sir GC
Florin Stefan-Saroiu
KGC of the House Rurikovich
HE Anna L Mospak
Marquesse of the House Rurikovich
Sir GC
Sinisa Pepic
KGC of the House Rurikovich
Sir GC
Ciprian Panagachi Tanasa
KGC of the House Rurikovich
Patrick James Hinds
Count of the House Rurikovich
Sir GC
Leonardo Biagioni
Count of the House Rurikovich
House Structure
The Kings Council
Royal and Imperial Family
Nobles of the House
Knights and Dames Zar Ivan IV
Knights and Dames Rurikovich Order
Cabinet and Council
Corpo Diplomatico
The Royal Imperial Guard
House and Order Regalia
Royal Imperial House Orders
Allied Protectorate Orders
House Protocols
History of the Rurik Dynasty
Slavics and Normans
Sovereign Titles
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